The Hidegkút Key House in Mátra, renovated with government support, was handed over

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 10. 24. 10:25

As part of the Téry Ödön National Tourist House development program, the Hidegkúti Key House in Mátra, renovated with government support, was handed over on Thursday.

Máriusz Révész, the State Secretary responsible for active Hungary at the Prime Minister’s Office, said at the investment handover ceremony: one of the most important goals of the government is for our country to be among the most livable countries. However, an important condition for this is that people live healthily, because analyzing the data, it is obvious that life expectancy in Hungary is about 4.5 years below the EU average, and Hungarians spend a lot of time sick, he said.

At the same time, according to WHO research, the health care system is present in only 18 percent of the aspects that influence health, he emphasized, pointing out that genetics and environmental influences have an impact on health to an extent that exceeds this, while lifestyle has the largest impact on health: 37 percent. .

Taking this into account, the lifestyle becomes a defining aspect, and an important element of this is the practice of active leisure activities and the creation of the necessary conditions, among which the renovation of domestic tourist houses played an important role – said Máriusz Révész.

He explained: in the recent period, the cabinet supported more than 100 such establishments in the tourist house development program, which, thanks to this, now compete with Austrian and Slovak tourist houses. The modernization of the Hidegkúti Key House, which took 8 years from planning to completion, was supplemented with HUF 76.3 million by the maintenance company Egererdő Zrt.

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