MATE researchers collaborated in the development of antibiotic-free foie gras production

By: STA Date: 2025. 03. 25. 10:00

Researchers from the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences (MATE) collaborated in the development of antibiotic-free, premium foie gras production breeding and husbandry technology, the research carried out in the consortium was established in cooperation with Integral Zrt. and the National Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Center – the university told MTI on Tuesday.

(Photo: Pixabay)

It was announced that for the investment with a total budget of nearly 1.4 billion forints, the consortium won a non-refundable grant of over 831 million forints within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program Plus, the source of which is provided by the European Regional Development Fund and the budget of Hungary in co-financing.

According to the statement, the development will create optimal environmental conditions

Their goals include lighting, stocking density, sex ratio in breeding stocks, feeding and housing technology, a housing and feeding technology operating at an elevated animal welfare level for both breeding animals and end products. The practical application of the technologies to be developed will mean significant savings for the fattening goose sector, significantly improving its competitiveness. The project is taking place at two locations in Gödöllő and in Kiskunfélegyháza, where the consortium employs 96 people, thanks to which it can preserve at least 96 jobs. The complex technological development created by the project may be unique both domestically and internationally – the university announced.