AM: two hundred billion forints are available for agricultural and food industry developments

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 18. 12:07

From September 17, businesses can apply for two new calls worth a total of 200 billion forints: 150 billion forints are available for supporting the complex development of processing plants, while 50 billion forints are available for smaller-scale investments in livestock farms – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announced to MTI.

In its press release, the department highlighted: in the new support cycle of the Common Agricultural Policy, the biggest animal farm and food industry development program started in recent years, after the change of regime, will continue with the co-financing of the European Union. The implemented developments and investments significantly contribute to increasing the competitiveness and added value of domestic agriculture.

Among the calls for investment tenders published in the summer and appearing regularly, the call entitled “Support for the complex development of processing plants” is primarily aimed at increasing the value of agricultural products and technological developments that facilitate access to the market. The larger-scale developments planned to be financed will increase the corporate efficiency of the food and feed industry.

In addition to the production of higher value-added products, the non-reimbursable grant can be used to develop a more competitive corporate, production and product structure, to develop capacity expansion based on product line cooperation, and to use technologies aimed at increasing energy self-sufficiency and reducing energy dependence, for example renewable by prioritizing energy sources – they write in the announcement.
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