Problematic webshops can be closed for up to a year

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2021. 05. 10. 08:12

With the advent of the online sales channel, inspection authorities are also finding more and more websites in Hungary offering counterfeit, illicitly manufactured or marketed products for sale; fraudsters can be tackled most effectively through co-operation between authorities, so the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) and the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) have concluded a co-operation agreement for co-ordinated work.

According to a statement from the NMHH Communications Directorate, online sales are also a growing risk in the field of food chain safety. In the course of their work, the employees of Nébih have already experienced, among other things, the offering of unlicensed veterinary and licensed products and services, but also the distribution of prescription products without a prescription. (MTI)