Consumers want AI labelling on food packaging

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2025. 03. 11. 10:52

According to a recent survey, commissioned by Ingredient Communications and conducted by SurveyGoo in the UK and US in October 2024, 83% of consumers are of the opinion that labels should be used to indicate if food is made with the help of AI technology.

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2025/2-3

55% of respondents strongly agreed and only 4% rejected the idea in the research. 78% of respondents said AI use in food design and production should be regulated by law, while only 6% disagreed. There are also generational differences, as 65% of Generation Z and 57% of Generation Y are in favour of AI use in the food industry, while 44% of Generation X and 25% of baby boomers are much less enthusiastic. //

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