State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture: the Carpathian Basin Village Farmers Network helps tens of thousands of foreign farmers

By: STA Date: 2024. 05. 29. 10:00

The number of village farmers and the territorial coverage of the network have increased with the expansion to Csángóföld – announced Sándor Farkas, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), at the opening of the 2nd Carpathian Basin Farmers’ Conference and Team Building Program in Tokaj on Tuesday.

(Photo: AM/Istvan Fekete)

According to AM’s statement on Wednesday, at the event, Sándor Farkas drew attention to the fact that the Carpathian basin village farmer network, which has been operating since 2018, has been continuously expanded, so that in addition to Transylvania, South Carpathia, Transcarpathia and the Highlands, farmers from Csángóföld can also enjoy all the benefits of the organization this year. A priority project of the Ministry of Agriculture is the operation of the network of foreign farmers, as it plays a very important role in the cooperation, professional and administrative support of the Hungarian farming community that is forced beyond the borders. “We now have a better overview of the individual regions, there are no parallel territorial coverages, the administrative burdens have decreased, and what is one of the most important aspects, we can reach the scattered farmers more effectively,” added the dream secretary.

Sándor Farkas emphasized that a lot of experience has been accumulated over the years regarding the operation of the network

It has been proven that, through unification, national or EU grant funds can be called up more effectively, and it is more feasible to divide and provide assistance according to individual agricultural sectors. In addition to all this, the number of farmer contacts, reaching, addressing and involving farmers in the network has also increased – underlined Sándor Farkas, according to the ministry’s statement.


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