Chamber of Agriculture: So far, members have paid membership fees in a value of about 1.8 billion HUF to NAK

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2017. 06. 29. 11:16

So far, the members of the National Agricultural Economics Office (NAK) have paid membership fees in a value of about 1.8 billion HUF – on the basis of the annual membership fees – the Director General of NAK said on Thursday at a press conference in Budapest.


Darabos Tamás stated that the membership fee period began on June 1 and ends on July 15, and over 400 thousand returns are expected in the next two weeks. The deadline for membership fee payment is July 31. The Director-General calculates that the willingness to pay will reach 99 percent and will amount to about 4.2 billion forints this year. This means nearly 50 percent of NAK’s revenue, as the public revenue is 10 to 11 billion forints annually, he said. (MTI)

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