Chamber of Agriculture: there are plenty of goose thighs for Martin’s Day

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2021. 11. 10. 11:40
The goose thigh, an essential part of Martin’s Day feasts, will be available in plentiful quantities this year as the number of waterfowl slaughtered has increased this year after a decline last year due to bird flu.

There will be enough goose thighs for Martin’s day

In its goose chart issued by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) on Wednesday emphasized, among other things, that goose products belong to the premium category, representing the highest value among poultry. A significant part of the goose meat production in Hungary is exported, and Hungary is the world leader in goose liver production. This year, thanks to strict veterinary measures and farmers ’efforts, production of goose products in some areas has risen by as much as 60 percent over the previous year. (MTI)