The best Hungarian caterers are honored according to Toyota’s principles
On April 8, Toyota Sakura and the SVÉT – Stílisosos Védéki Éttermiség Egyesület created a tradition, when for the first time they presented the outstanding actors of domestic tourism and gastronomy with the Sakura award, which, according to the organizers’ intention, is much more than simple recognition.

The Sakura Award is expected to become a symbol of guaranteed, reliable quality
Omotenashi is one of the cornerstones of traditional Japanese hospitality, which cannot be translated into Western thinking with a single word. Literally, it means: the lack of pretense, in its most commonly used conceptual context, in the field of hospitality and customer management, it could best be translated as a service that meets the guests’ expectations, exceeds all expectations, and is aware of the smallest details.
Omotenashi became the focus of attention at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, where Toyota put the more than six hundred-year-old philosophy into practice. According to the world’s leading car manufacturer, hospitality and Toyota car sales operate on similar principles.
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