TheVR helped the McDonald’s team

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 03. 06. 09:43

As a continuation of their collaboration last year, one of the most successful teams in Hungarian content production, TheVR, tested special product combinations invented by Hungarian McDonald’s product developers in a live TikTok login. The combinations they selected were included in the coupon offers of the McDonald’s app in a way that is unique in the history of both the influencer couple and the chain, almost in real time.

Unusual combinations of different McDonald’s products have long been a trend among Meki® fans, but so far, guests have only been able to try them based on reports circulating on the Internet. That is why the restaurant chain decided to periodically add some really exciting combos to its app coupon offers, and to select the specific offer, they will choose a well-established collaborative partner – the guys from TheVR – whose taste they can safely rely on.

“Visitors to our channels may also know that we are big fans of hamburgers. We regularly receive suggestions on how to combine a Mekis dish, put fries in the sandwich, mix this sauce with it. Now, with Meki, we decided to try out a bunch of the combos they came up with and finally decide which ones really work. The icing on the cake is that the combos selected at the end of the live broadcast can be tried by guests as coupon offers on the Meki app until the end of the month,”

said Fábián Pisti, host of TheVR.

“We really got to taste the combos live. We insisted on this so that the experience could be truly immediate and surprising for us too.”
The guys finally selected the combos with the fancy names “Élet a farmon” combining Chicken McNuggets bites and McFarm, the very cheesy “Sajtimadó” and the bbq-sauce, bacon-flavored “Belevaló bacon”.