Private labels expanding among milk desserts

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 04. 05. 08:00

According to data from the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, sales of milk desserts dropped last year, with the exception of puddings which increased their market share to 25 percent. Sales of milk desserts were down by 5 percent in terms of quantity last year, compared to 2007. Over 50 percent of households still purchased some kind of milk dessert. The frequency of purchases per household was down from 17,5 in 2007, to 15,7 in 2008. The market share of private labels in terms of quantity was up from 27 percent in 2007, to 29 percent in 2008. The difference between the average price of PL-s and brands continued to increase, with that of PL-s being only slightly above 50 percent of the price of brands. Regarding distribution channels, discounts, supermarkets and small stores increased their respective market shares in 2008.

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