Almost a quarter of spring barley was sown in Zala County

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 03. 10. 11:12

Thanks to the favorable weather, spring sowing began in Zala County in the days, almost 24 percent of the spring barley area was sown, and in a smaller area spring wheat and oats were sown – the president of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) told MTI.

According to sowing plans, a total of 45,640 hectares of spring crop will be sown in Zala’s arable land: farmers will produce 1,680 hectares of spring barley, 850 hectares of spring wheat, 300 hectares of oats, 6040 hectares of soy, 200 hectares of sugar beet. The planned sown area of maize is 27,700 hectares and sunflower is sown on 8,870 hectares – Sabján Krisztián said. (MTI)

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