The price of fodder wheat was 14 percent higher than last year

By: STA Date: 2024. 09. 17. 09:30

According to Tallage’s September information, the spot market price of 12.5 percent protein mill wheat in Germany (FOB Hamburg) increased by $29 to $295/ton between August 5 and September 9.

(Photo: Pixabay)

The immediate export price (FOB) of milling wheat arriving in Rouen fell by $13 to $228, and the October-December wheat fell by $3 to $248-250/ton. The 11.5 percent and 12.5 percent protein mill wheat (FOB) produced in Russia were both available for $210/ton on September 9 for immediate delivery. In Romania, the spot market price of milled wheat per ton decreased by $5 to $225/ton in the indicated period. In the USA, the spot export price (FOB Gulf) of soft red winter wheat (SRW) rose by $19 to $233/ton, and that of 11 percent protein hard red winter wheat (HRW) increased by $17 to $261/ton. In Argentina, the immediate export price of the 12 percent protein crop was $8 lower ($260/ton) at the beginning of September (Tallage). In Hungary, according to AKI PÁIR data, edible wheat was traded at an average producer price of HUF 74.1 thousand per ton without VAT and transport costs in the first week of September. This price level exceeded the previous year by 7 percent. Feed wheat traded for HUF 70,000/ton (+14 percent) at the same time.


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