Sziget Management is expanding its domestic portfolio with a gastro-festival
Sziget Management is expanding its domestic portfolio with a gastro-festival
In 2011, one of the most outstanding events of the gastro-cultural scene, Budai Gourmet is going to be organized by Sziget Cultural Management.
Considering that events organized by Sziget Management, as well as the entire domestic event-market of the culinary field have been facing a rather significant progress in the past few years, leaders of Sziget Ltd. have decided to accept the offer and organize Budai Gourmet from now on. The event has a past paved with traditions, and while organizers are willing to retain previous values, Budai Gourmet is going to be organized according to a concept that is rather different from the domestic culinary event-palette.
Gourmet – worthy of its name – is wishing to focus solely on the quality products and services of the gastro-palette, thus contributing to the progress and popularity of the local gastro-culture. By broadening the current range of participants and topics, organizers are willing to offer a more substantial picture of the world of quality gastronomy, introducing the participants and offers from basic ingredients and farmers to traders, while also giving a picture of the best restaurants, wineries, or distilleries at the same time.
Besides, the most outstanding participants of domestic gastro-events are also going to be invited: the best fish soup-makers, sausage-experts, cheese-makers and honey- or syrup-makers will all be there. Following the quality selection carried out by experts, visitors will have the chance to get a taste of the best commercially available products, starting from champagnes and mineral waters to coffee or tea-specialities. Unusually, the event will even give home to a market place where the best farmers and marketers will get the chance to introduce their products to a wider audience. „We are aiming for a quality gastro-festival where the best of Hungary will present all they have, from small farmers to cuisines representing top-gastronomy, from artisan wineries to the best sausage- or ham-makers” – Károly Gerendai, leader of Sziget Management pointed out, who himself is running a successful restaurant, and thus faced significant international success within the framework of top-gastronomy, adding Hungary to the gastro-cultural map of Europe.
Sziget Management chose the most outstanding domestic gastronomy-experts (from chefs to trade-writers and merchants) as the partners of the event, thus creating the unique concept of the festival. „Budai Gourmet has the chance to face progress in the best hands. Exploiting the knowledge of the best experts and the organizing background of Sziget, it is highly possible for Budai Gourmet to turn into the most well-known and best event of the gastro-scene” – György Haris, creator and former chief organizer of the event added.
When making decisions about the thematic background of the event, organizers decided not to create competition for existing culinary events, but rather work together with the organizers of those events, whenever possible. “This event is aiming to choose the best of everything, turning into an essential top-event of the Hungarian gastronomy-scene. When it comes to experts and trade associations, we are offering partnership to best ones. For example, an international gastronomy competition organized by Dining Guide is going to award the best restaurants of the region” – chief organizer Gerendai informed the press.
Within the compass of the event, of course, visitors will get to taste, try and purchase everything, from the menu of bloggers to ingredients and the specialities of the best chefs. Amateurs interested in the scene will have the chance to educate themselves at various lectures of experts and cooking schools, while professionals will be welcomed by a special trade-day where the best international experts will focus on various topics at lectures. On the first “trade” day of the event, prestigious judges will elect the best of a given product-category, from sausages to hams and syrups, so that the wider audience on the following day would also get the chance to taste these “Gourmet-products”. Besides professional qualifications, visitors will also get to elect the best products in the same categories, based on their experiences.
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