Nearly 80% Of Spanish Consumers Believe Own-Brand Quality Has Improved, Aldi Says

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2025. 03. 14. 09:24

Nearly four-fifths (80%) of Spanish consumers believe that the quality of own-brand products has seen considerable improvement in recent years, a new study has revealed.

In terms of prices, own-brand products cost 15% below the average market price, excluding fresh products, data from Aldi’s study on Own Brands in Spain 2024 showed.

The balance between quality and price gives own brands an edge as an alternative for Spanish consumers looking to save money.

This is reinforced by 88% of consumers citing quality-price ratio as the main reason behind choosing own brands, followed by promotions at 47%.

In fact, the quality-price ratio is the main reason for choosing these products for 88% of consumers, followed by promotions (47%).

Other Findings

The study revealed that own-brand products accounted for 51% of the purchase volume in 2024, registering an increase of more than 3.2 percentage points since 2022.

Close to half of respondents (44%) said they have increased the consumption of these products compared to 2023, with six out of ten having done so in the last three years.

The increased trust in own brands is accompanied by a higher frequency of purchase, with consumers visiting the retailer twice a week in search of these products.

Moreover, eight in ten Spanish shoppers believe that own-brand offerings in supermarkets have grown, indicating an enhancement in the perception of variety.

More than four-fifths (84%) said a good experience with an own-brand product motivates them to try other products from the same brand, with 79% saying they would recommend it to friends, family, or acquaintances.

Recommendations play an important role in deciding whether to try an own-brand product, as six out of ten Spanish shoppers rely on suggestions from their social circle.

Role Of Own Brands

Own brands are an integral part of Aldi’s discount model with nine out of ten products offered in its supermarkets belonging to this category.

In 2024, customers at Aldi had the option to save an average of €682.23 by filling their baskets with own-brand products, according to the discounter’s calculations based on Kantar Worldpanel data.

Nearly four in ten Spanish households have purchased at an Aldi outlet in the past year, with the discounter achieving a market penetration of 38.9%, according to data from Kantar.

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