Samsung’s 22024 Neo QLED and QLED TVs receive industry-first VDE certifications for superior picture quality

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 12. 09:32

Seven models of Samsung’s 2024 Neo QLED and QLED line[ii] have been the first in the industry to receive True Cinema Black and HDR Brightness Accuracy certification from the leading German electrotechnical certification organization, Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE).

“Technology is developing rapidly, thanks to which we can offer an unparalleled cinema experience in the homes of users

said Yongjae Kim, executive vice president and deputy head of the R&D group of the visual display business.

We are committed to setting the highest image quality standards for high-resolution and large-screen TVs. We are proud that the company’s Neo QLED TVs have received VDE certification, the first in this industry.”

Six models of Samsung’s 2024 Neo QLED 8K and 4K TVs, as well as one QLED 4K device, have received the industry’s first HDR brightness accuracy certification. The certification verifies that recognized models accurately display the brightness levels of HDR content, meet HDR standards, and provide image quality that closely approximates that seen by the human eye.

HDR technology enriches both the light and dark parts of the image, displays it in detail and realistically, bringing movies to life. Whether it’s a living room, bedroom, office or kitchen, users can enjoy an exceptional cinema experience in any room with Samsung Neo QLED and QLED TVs.

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