National Tree Planting Day is also supported by Zwack Unicum Plc.

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 02. 28. 11:26

Spring begins on March 1st with the first National Tree Planting Day. The initiative, announced by the 10 Million Trees community, encourages the public to come together, trusting that together we can work for a more sustainable future. Zwack Unicum Plc. has also joined the foundation’s call, and after several successful greening collaborations, the company is also participating in the national tree planting.

A ma ültetett fák a jövő generációival kapcsolnak össze

The National Tree Planting Day was launched by the 10 Million Trees Foundation with the aim of allowing the country to work together for a more sustainable environment on the first Saturday of March each year. The first joint planting will take place on March 1st, 2025, when families, friends, schools and companies across the country will take up a spade and plant a tree – some in their gardens, some in a park or on the street front. The organizers encourage the entire population to join the action and, in a single day, with the support of the botanical and ecological professional background of 10 Million Trees, plant the most trees with as many participants as possible. Recognized artists, public figures, as well as communities, companies and municipalities will also participate in the action. The initiative is also supported by Zwack Unicum Nyrt. as a partner of 10 Million Trees.

Zwack Unicum Nyrt. and 10 Million Trees previously implemented the planting of the Kecskemét Ötsögletű mini-forest, as well as the Boráros Square and Nehru Bank Miyawaki mini-forests in Budapest. These oases established in urban environments can not only provide a city with a breath of fresh air by sequestering industrial-scale carbon dioxide over a period of 20-30 years, but they can also improve the quality of life of city dwellers by providing them with close proximity to wildlife. The company is extending this cooperation to National Arbor Day as part of its sustainability efforts.

Planting trees is not only one of the most tangible tools in the fight against climate change, but also a gesture that can impact the world for generations. This is why the company joined National Arbor Day, as newly planted trees not only make the current environment more livable, but also remain a legacy for future generations, and the initiative also has an important community-building power.

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