Beef will also face stricter controls from now on

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 08. 26. 11:31

On December 30, the new regulation of the European Union, the EUDR, comes into force, which imposes stricter rules in order to reduce deforestation.

The new regulation requires that all raw materials used in products imported into the EU can be traced back to their place of origin. The affected raw materials include rubber, palm oil, cocoa, coffee and beef. The purpose of the decree is to reduce deforestation by 10% and reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by at least 32 million tons.

The regulation is a major challenge for companies, which must prove that their products do not come from deforested areas and that they have not violated human rights. Failure to comply with the new regulations can result in heavy fines. The EU is adamant about introducing the regulation, despite calls for a delay by several government and corporate actors, including the United States. However, a grace period of six months is provided for smaller businesses.

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