Magazine: Summary 2012
On 29 May the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held its annual general assembly. The guild represents members’ interests in the drafting of legislation, it gives opinion on planned laws, it represents special and general points of view of the trade, it initiates to local and central authorities the solving of emerging problems. In his trade report about 2012 the president told that MVI had played an active role in making the necessary changes in the legislation on the restaurant and hotel sector, which was a necessary prerequisite of improving the situation of the trade. MVI did lobbying in the Sport and Tourism committee of parliament, which is responsible for Horeca matters. The guild organised a conference for representatives of the Horeca sector, where they had a chance to discuss topical issues and to present their ideas for bettering conditions in the trade. MVI established relationships with the most important authorities and participated in preparing the food safety document ‘Guidance document on the best practice in the hygiene of catering and Horeca units’. MVI organised study trips and a gala event, and it refurbished the website. MVI members find it to be of great importance for representatives of the trade to also have the personal characteristics necessary for working in the sector. The new Code of Ethics is based on traditional values and takes into consideration the expectations of the modern world. The Code of Ethics will be available on the MVI website as of 1 July. MVI’s general assembly gave green light to organising a major event, probably a gala dinner at the end of the year.
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