Thanks to Lidl customers, nearly 24 million forints in donations will be given to those in need

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 12. 19. 12:10

In two weeks, Lidl Hungary stores collected 15.5 million forints worth of food donation vouchers and nearly 8.4 million forints worth of cash donations thanks to customers. From the collected amount and the vouchers, Baptist Charity Service will deliver 31 tons of food packages to 2,500 families in difficult situations before the holidays.

Lidl Hungary is supporting families in difficult situations with two campaigns this year before Christmas. On the one hand, it joined Baptist Charity Service’s fundraising campaign, and customers could purchase food donation vouchers worth 500, 800, or 1,000 forints at any Lidl store in Hungary. Customers made purchases worth 15.5 million forints from the vouchers, which Baptist Charity Service exchanged for food and delivered to families in need before Christmas.

In addition, the department store chain also helped families in need with its own charity campaign. Customers could use a Lidl Plus coupon to get a discount on the plush raccoon that also appears in the discount chain’s Christmas commercial, the price of which the company donated in full to charity. With the campaign, Lidl collected nearly 8.4 million forints, which it handed over to the Baptist Charity Service. The organization used this amount to purchase food, which will also help families in need before the holidays.

“The goal of our Christmas campaign this year was to make the holidays of families in need more beautiful together with our customers. We are proud that through the food donation vouchers and the raccoon campaign, we can jointly provide help with nearly 24 million forints worth of food and make the Christmas of a total of 2,500 families more beautiful.”

– said Judit Tőzsér, Head of Corporate Communications at Lidl Hungary.

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