Sales of cereals increased the most

By: STA Date: 2024. 09. 27. 09:30

Among the 24 commodity groups of agricultural and food industry products, the export value of 14 increased and 10 commodity groups decreased in the first half of 2024 compared to the base period. The sales revenue of cereals (KN10) increased by the highest value (+198.7 million euros), as the price of corn and wheat, among the most valuable products of the commodity group, was 20-30 percent higher than a year earlier. The sales revenue of vegetable and fruit preparations (KN20) increased by EUR 69 million, the beverage, spirit, vinegar (KN22) product group by EUR 66.6 million, and that of various edible preparations (KN21) by EUR 63.5 million in the examined period compared to the base.

The biggest drop in export value affected the animal and vegetable fat and oil (KN15) product group (-105 million euros), primarily through a 20 percent drop in the price of sunflower seed oil. The export value of meat products (KN02) was EUR 27 million less compared to the base, as the export of poultry meat decreased by 13.3 percent.

On the import side, the value of tobacco products (KN24) increased the most (+103.3 million euros)

The increase in the import value of cocoa products (KN18) by 30.3 million euros resulted from the expansion of imports of the product groups belonging to this category. The import value of vegetable and fruit products (KN20) increased by 24.9 million euros. Compared to the base period, the value of imports of coffee, tea and spices increased by a fifth (+19 million euros), and that of confectionery products by 4.4 percent (+14.7 million euros). The decrease in import value occurred mainly in the case of cereals (KN10) and oilseeds (KN12) to the extent of 65.7 and 40.1 percent (-245.4 million and -123.6 million euros, respectively).


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