According to the latest CDP report, only every fifth European company is active in the green transition

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 05. 15. 11:44

K&H’s Belgian parent bank, the KBC Group, has once again received an “A” rating from the non-profit organization CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), which conducts an annual survey of companies’ climate change efforts. CDP’s 2024 European report reveals that only every fifth European company is actively making the transition to a green business model.

The latest research by the international non-profit organization Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) examines the climate communication of 1,600 European companies and evaluates them based on a five-point criteria system. K&H’s Belgian parent bank, the KBC Group, was once again among the best in recognition of its sustainability efforts: it received an “A” rating from the CDP, after 2022, now also based on its activities in 2023.

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