The interests of farmers must be placed at the center of the common agricultural policy

By: STA Date: 2024. 07. 15. 09:00

Farmers and farmers’ interests must once again be placed at the center of the European common agricultural policy (CAP), the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture declared on Monday in Brussels.

(Photo: AM/György Szendrei)

István Nagy highlighted to journalists before the meeting of the member countries’ agriculture ministers: the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union places emphasis on agriculture being competitive, crisis-proof, sustainable and knowledge-based, as well as on the Union pursuing a farmer-friendly policy. The resolution of all open files and all EU policies that are to be closed will be built around these five priorities during the Hungarian EU presidency, which lasts until December, he emphasized. He said that the Hungarian EU presidency will open a file at Monday’s council meeting to improve the quality of rural life, with the aim of making the countryside attractive to young people, and ensuring the future of those living there and staying in the area. The use of rural development resources can greatly help in this, he added. He said that after the meeting, he will go to the meeting of the European agricultural producers’ interest protection organization (Copa-Cogeca) in Brussels, since – as he emphasized – the Hungarian EU presidency does not want to be farmer-friendly only at the level of slogans. The Hungarian presidency wants to make it a tradition for the ministers of agriculture to meet with the representatives of the organization before each council meeting and to listen to the opinions of the farmers, because – as he emphasized – it is very important how the direct interests of farmers prevail in European politics.

In relation to the import of Ukrainian grain into the EU, the Minister of Agriculture said that the Hungarian EU Presidency strives to create solutions that, in addition to the countries of the European Union, will result in balance for Ukraine as well, improve competitiveness and enable European farmers to plan safely today and in the future.


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