Consumer-expectations deteroriating according to GKI

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 04. 10. 10:08

Consumers are even more pessimistic in now than they were months ago – according to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with the European Union.

 Since the major fall in the winter of 2008, consumers in Hungary are getting more and more pessimistic about the future when it comes to ecomomy and theit own financial status. This tendency is very similar to what happens in the EU, too. The greates deteroriation has taken place on the field of unemployment, but fear of inflation is also on the rose, moreover citizens are having an even worse opinion on the near future of the ecomomy. Judging their own financial status has also become worse: 65 percent of the population said that their income is „barely enough to cover living expenses”, 15 percent is getting in debts, 11 percent had to touch savings. Only 9 percent said that they make enough money to make savings. 91 percent of those answering the questions were convinced that they will not be able to make savings in the next one year.

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