Greenhouse production can be increased by using geothermal energy

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2018. 09. 28. 11:25

The greenhouse production of safe and high-quality products should be increased. The domestic supply could be increased with the expansion of exports and by the increasing use of geothermal energy – Farkas Sándor, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told on Friday at a professional forum in Budapest.

At a meeting organized by the Hungarian Geothermal Association (MGtE), the Parliamentary Minister of State said that there is an increasing demand for building about a thousand hectares of new greenhouses, one third of which could work with thermal energy. This would increase the production by about 230,000 tonnes, which would result in the production of 45 billion forints new value per year and the employment of 5,000 people, with current prices and improved quality – he added. (MTI)

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