The producer price of cherries is 14 percent lower

By: STA Date: 2024. 06. 25. 09:00

According to Eurostat data, the EU is a net importer of fresh cherries: the delivered quantity changed to 52.6 thousand tons (+108 percent), the exported volume to 10.8 thousand tons (-28 percent) in 2023 compared to the year before. Imports from Turkey increased by 131 percent to 44.9 thousand tons.

(Photo: Pixabay)

According to data from the European Commission, the average price of cherries in May 2024 was as follows: in Italy 6.80 euros/kilogram (-5 percent compared to a year earlier), in France 6.47 euros/kilogram (unchanged), in Spain 4.21 euros/kilogram (+15 percent), in Portugal 3.83 euros/kilogram (-9 percent).

According to KSH data, the cherry harvest in Hungary fluctuated between 8.6 and 12 thousand tons/year in the last ten years

Experts expected a better than average harvest this year. The season started a few weeks earlier. In Hungary, the import of fresh cherries (mainly from Turkey) increased by 53 percent to 1.42 thousand tons in 2023 compared to the previous year. The export of cherries decreased by 61 percent to 237 tons. According to AKI PÁIR data, domestic cherries entered the Budapest Wholesale Market on the 19th week, two weeks earlier than last year, at a price of HUF 1,700/kilogram. The producer price of cherries decreased by 14 percent to HUF 1,417/kg 2024 21–25. per week compared to the average price of the same period of the previous year. In the consumer markets of Budapest, cherries were sold for between HUF 980 and HUF 1,500 in the 25th week.


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