The 10-year-old Lidl and Procter & Gamble organize a fundraising campaign for the starving children
The Lidl Hungary and Procter & Gamble will launch a joint charitable program. In the charity program every customer who buys Procter & Gamble in the Hungarian stores of Lidl in September and October 2014, supports the Child Nutrition Foundation with 10 HUF.
Under the corporate social responsibility campaign of Lidl and P&G, those buyers who buy P&G products – including Ariel, Lenor, Jar and Head&Shoulders brands in the Lidl stores will support the goals of the Child Nutrition Foundation and help the children Lidl stores in to defeat hunger.
According to national and international surveys, nearly 20,000 children are hungry in Hungary. The Child Nutrition Foundation since establishment in 1993, is working to provide appropriate and sufficient food to children who are living among the poorest conditions.
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