5 tips to ensure that our children drink enough water in the hot weather

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 08. 29. 11:06

Children’s fluid needs vary depending on their age, weight and activity level. In general, a small child needs 1-1.5 liters of fluid per day – this amount can increase in the heat of summer and when spending time actively. In addition to favoring high water content fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumbers and oranges for snacks, we also need to ensure that our child drinks enough water. Let’s strive to separate the feelings of thirst and hunger from the early stages of life: let the little ones get to know the natural taste of water and take it for granted that we quench our thirst with it. In this way, we can prevent unnecessary caloric intake and excessive consumption of sugary soft drinks in the future.

We offer it often

Children can be distracted by countless things, so they are not even aware that they are thirsty. They don’t like to interrupt the game just to drink. Let’s stay one step ahead of them and offer them fresh water often, even every half hour.

Let’s show you an example

Setting an example is often the easiest way to encourage our children to adopt healthy habits. Drink water regularly in their presence – we also offer them in this case – and tell them why staying hydrated is important.

Let’s make drinking water a game

Children love to play, so why not make drinking water playful? For example, we can make a colorful reward board, where we mark the number of times during the day how much water should be drunk, and for each “completed” glass of water, there is a sticker. With this, we can also keep an accurate account of our child’s water consumption.

Reminder app

For older children, we can also ensure adequate fluid intake through a combination of technology and play. Several applications can be downloaded to smartphones and tablets that send reminders that it is time to drink water. Most of them also combine this with raising a virtual plant or small pet, which provides extra motivation.

Using an ergonomic, playful bottle

Using your own bottle can also increase your desire to drink water. Let’s choose one from which they can easily drink on their own – in the case of younger children, of course, under supervision – as they will use it even more willingly by supporting their aspirations for independence. An excellent alternative to this is Szentkirályi Cseppség non-carbonated natural mineral water, whose non-drip sports cap prevents children from spilling or spilling the contents of the bottle, and thanks to its ergonomic design, it fits perfectly in small hands.
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