40 Budapest restaurants and 16 bistros offered gypsy music with their meals on the Dankó Pista Memorial Day

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 18. 10:05

The Dankó Pista memorial day ended successfully: almost half a thousand musicians from around 100 gypsy bands played for 303 hours in nearly 80 restaurants in the capital – the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) informed MTI on Tuesday.

The MTÜ organized the event with the intention of creating tradition, to draw attention to the culture and touristic importance of gypsy music in Hungarian restaurants and cafes.

The data of the National Tourist Information Center show that gypsy music increased the guest experience and the guest traffic: tens of thousands of guests visited the restaurants participating in the program, whose average traffic showed a 10 percent increase compared to the previous weekend.

On Memorial Day, a total of 40 Budapest restaurants and 16 bistros offered gypsy music with their meals. In addition, bands of 4-6 people played in 17 cafes and pastry shops, as well as 5 bars. In addition to the sheet music, classical music transcriptions, opera and operetta excerpts, film scores and classical hits were played. A total of 474 musicians from 101 gypsy bands played in the capital on this day.

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