Hungary's largest shopping center opens spring 2013

By: trademagazin Date: 2011. 10. 18. 14:31

With the construction of the second phase of the Árkád in Budapest Hungary's largest shopping center trade area will be established in 2013 in the Örs vezér square.

The construction works of Árkád II. shopping center started in Budapest.. The three-level shopping center will have close to 20,000 square meters rentable area.

By connecting the Árkád I. and Árkád II. shopping centers Hungary's largest shopping center trade area will be created on 68,000 square meters.

The Árkád II. shopping center opens in the spring of 2013, and then the renovation of Árkád II. will start as well. It is planned that the building works will be completed until autumn 2013 – reports

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