The “Thank you, SIÓ!”program supports schools by distributing 150 tablets and providing educational content

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 05. 28. 11:29

SIÓ-Eckes’ application to support schoolchildren has been renewed: from 2024, “Thank you, SIÓ!” in a program called the company aims to support the digital education of schools, so that children and teachers can have access to even more modern tools. The institutions that apply successfully can be richer with a total of 150 tablets, and in addition to modernization, the company also helps teachers with a story and lesson plans that motivate acceptance. Applications can be submitted online until July 14, 2024.

SIÓ-Eckes’ social responsibility program, “Thank you, SIÓ!”, launched in 2008, has been supporting the start of the school year for 16 years. nearly 15,000 children were able to start the school year with new school bags and school supplies. The program was renewed this year, and now “Thank you, SIÓ!” continues under the name, during which the company wants to support not only the children, but also the teachers who teach them and the schools themselves. As a first step, institutions that successfully apply can receive a total of 150 tablets this year.

“The ‘Thank you, SIO!’ program is very important for all of us, since the future generations are preparing for life in the big letters in schools, this is where they first encounter the challenges they will face as adults. It is in the interest of our society as a whole that children are equipped with appropriate values ​​and can thrive in their adult lives. The primary schools make great efforts to prepare the children studying there with all possible means for all the challenges of the modern age, and SIÓ-Eckes feels responsible to support the equal opportunities of the children and to help the modern and integrative work of the school system.

– said Dezső Mészáros, managing director of SIÓ-Eckes Kft.

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