6000 people have built up the Sziget festival-town in 15 days
On the 76 hecter area of Hajógyári Sziget, 6000 people have built up the so-called Sziget festival-town in 15 days. The main routes of Sziget now have plastic pavement delivered by 12 vans, and the tents have a wooden pavement of 25 000 square meters, covered by metal „rugs” in order to make it completely stable and undestroyable.
As a whole, 180 vans have delivered containers to the event, among them 140 boiler-containers with water, 215 offices, storing rooms, changing rooms, lockers and the rest. Twenty-five vans have delivered fences and cordons to Hajógyári Sziget, and 5 vans have been packed with cabels and cabinets. The containers with running water have five centers now, where each center has 45-50 floodlit toilets, with a regular cleaning crew and constant cleaning. Including all the mobile toilets and previously used container toilets, and toilets in the buildings, a total of 1500-1600 toilets are available for all Sziget-people. The technology behind the lighting system has also been improved: besides the already-existing 3 kilomter-long constant lighting, organizers have ordered floodlights which are several kilomters long, in order to help your orientation by night.
Performers coming from 41 countries
The daily 200-250 programs at 52 program-venues are offering a wide spectrum of genres for all the visitors arriving from nearly 50 countries. Besides the hundreds of Hungarian productions, 199 foreign artists are making the program even more colourful, from 41 different countries of the world.
Similarly to the previous years, Sziget puts great empasis on the conscious decrease of noise for people living around the venue of the festival. It is a well-known fact that open-air stages close at 11 pm, and then soundproof tents – which need to go through serious sound-checks – give home to further concerts. Sound-measurements are going to take place on a regular basis, with special equipments automatically turning the volume down if the sound surpasses the sound-level allowed. These equipments are going to function at all night-time venues and louder catering-places, too. Based on the experience of the previous years, the acoustic wall made of a newly improved material is perfectly suitable for hiding the noises. Besides, some of the program-tents are going to be equipped with acoustic deflection-elements, in order to blunt noises coming from the tents.
Health is a top priority… and the same goes to safety!
At Sziget, a health care crew of 400 people is serving the health of visitors, among them 16 doctors at the ambulance, 50 nurses, 12 patrols with motorbikes, 110 regular patrols, one attackcar, four casecars and two ambulance-cars . (This pretty much covers the needs of a medium-sized Hungarian city, and the ambulance is suitable for the emergency-center of a larger Hungarian city.) Besides, a pharmacy will also be available at Sziget, but organiters would nevertheless remind all Sziget-visitors who take medicines on a regular basis to bring their own pills. All medication can be safely and professionally stored at the health care base.
Besides the police-crew, 1500 security guards, hundreds of ticket-inspectors and internal traffic conductors are helping to run the event smootly. This year again, several English, French, German and Dutch policemen are coming to Sziget. At Sziget, a police station with interpreters for many languages is open 24 hours a day. Any problems you may have with your passport, will be helped by the officers of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. Prior to the event, the venue has been carefully examined and inspected. Upon entry, all packages are being carefully and professionally scanned, and should anything suspicious happen, trained drug- and bomb-sniffer dogs, package-scanning devices and detector-based gates are available. In addition, constant pyrotechnical emergency center is available at every point of entry.