Poultry slaughter increased by 11.9 percent in the first half of the year

By: STA Date: 2024. 08. 28. 10:00

118.5 million pieces of poultry were slaughtered in the first half of 2024, 11.9 percent more than in the same period of the previous year. The live weight of slaughtered poultry was a total of 365,000 tons, and its cut weight (cleaned, broken down weight) was 274,000 tons during this period.

The majority of poultry – 81 percent based on the number of pieces – was made up of chickens, of which 95.9 million were slaughtered, i.e., this value increased by 6.6 percent compared to January-June 2023. 17.5 million ducks (+59.7 percent) and 1 million geese (-9.2 percent) were slaughtered in the first half of this year. 2.5 million turkeys went to slaughterhouses, 6.1 percent more than in the same period of the previous year.

Within the poultry slaughter, the number of ducks was 15 percent, and that of turkeys was 2 percent

According to KSH data, the domestic poultry population reached 32.2 million on June 1, 2024, which was 917,000 (+2.9 percent) higher than a year earlier. Based on the available Eurostat data, among European countries (excluding Turkey and the United Kingdom), Poland was in first place with its chicken slaughter exceeding 536 million pieces, followed by France and Spain in the January-May 2024 period.