Nyereséggel zárta az első fél évet a Nestlé Hungária
Nestlé Hungária closed the first half of the year with a profit and growing revenue – read the report published on the website of the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) on Monday.
Based on the half-year data, the company achieved a profit of HUF 131 million, while in the first half of last year it had a loss of HUF 1.863 billion. The first half-year revenue increased from HUF 135 billion to HUF 150 billion year-on-year, and the value of exports increased from HUF 28.8 billion to HUF 34.3 billion. Of this, almost HUF 26 billion comes from EU member states. Domestically, the sales of all business divisions increased.
The increase in income is largely due to the rising sales of the pet food production plant in Bük. Investments continue, a new production unit will start production in the last quarter. The company also operates a chocolate factory in Miskolc (Diósgyőr) and a powdered drink factory in Szerencs.
In 2023, the company closed with HUF 283 billion in net sales and HUF 2.7 billion in taxable profit.
Nestlé has been the issuer of the BÉT Xbond since 2021, and its securities expire in 2028.
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