Navigare necesse est
History books claim that Pompeius said the above sentence to sailors who didn’t want to sail off from Sicily to Rome, because there was a storm. Generations later the so-called portolan charts was created that made sailing much safer. Nowadays we would also like to have something like this to sail the seas of FMCG. Needs, consumers, shoppers, retailers’ business models, media consumption habits – these are all changing dramatically. We are witnessing this process, sometimes we benefit from it, but there are times when we suffer from the drawbacks. If we don’t want our boat to sink, we need a good team of sailors and it isn’t easy to recruit these days, as retail trade isn’t the profession that attracts masses of young people. Luckily, the FMCG boats are sailing in good wind at the moment. To sail is necessary, sail on sailors in 2019!.
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