Hungarian flavours are conquering Anuga
The year when an Anuga trade show is held has arrived once again: the world’s food manufacturers, their latest products and innovations will all be there for visitors to see. Anuga is held every other year and it is considered to be the world’s leading food and hospitality trade fair, where it is a must to be present for those who would like to be aware of the latest food industry trends, research and development results. Just like in former years, the Agricultural Marketing Centre offers Hungarian food companies the chance to present their high quality products to Anuga visitors, this time on a floor space of 340m² at the collective Hungarian stand. Being present at major trade events such as Anuga is very important for us, even more so because the trade exhibition itself is one of the key B2B communication tools in international business life. Our mission with the Hungarian stand is the same here in Cologne as at the many other trade shows in other parts of the world, where we introduce our professional partners and their products: promoting and selling high quality, healthy and tasty Hungarian food products that represent our national traditions, and are made using environmentally friendly technology. Hungary’s agricultural sector, thanks to its special geographical location and natural conditions, to the fact that people living in the Carpathian Basin like to work, and to the fertility of the Hungarian land, has extraordinary food production characteristics.
László Daróczi
managing director
Agricultural Marketing Centre
Hungary’s agriculture successfully combines traditions with modernity. A large part of our food products are made using skills and knowledge passed on from generation to generation, employing artisan methods at family farms and manufactories. However, our offering of top quality, high added value and healthy food products is also the result of using new, innovative technologies and methods. It is the result of a conscious decision and we are proud to declare: our government was the first in the world to lay it down in a fundamental law that it is forbidden to grow GMO crops in Hungary! All over the world demand is growing for excellent quality Hungarian groceries, in part due to their being GMO-free. The work we do proves that in the heart of Europe, on Hungarian land, we can produce a wide range of food products people can enjoy because they are tasty, offering them an unforgettable culinary experience. But let’s not forget that high quality products are worth nothing if we can’t familiarise the world with them. The old saying goes: A good wine needs no introduction. Well, by now things have changed and I think a good wine also needs introduction. The Agricultural Marketing Centre does its work in the spirit of this, supporting Hungarian food companies. In order to complete this mission, every year we are present at several dozen trade fairs and events in Hungary and abroad, and we do our best to help small and medium-sized Hungarian businesses in entering foreign markets. Participating at a large international trade show requires lots of money and effort from a small company, and the majority of businesses couldn’t afford it. Hungary’s collective stand is a great help to these enterprises, because we not only pay the majority of companies’ costs but also offer them a complex marketing package, which increases their chances for making business deals or promoting their products or services in a given market. The Agricultural Marketing Centre doesn’t only organise trade fair presence for Hungarian food businesses, but also meetings with businessmen and B2B negotiations, so that they can establish new market relationships.
It is a real pleasure for me to participate in doing this noble task as the managing director of the Agricultural Marketing Centre. I encourage everyone who will be there at Anuga to visit our stand: please taste excellent Hungarian groceries and delicious dishes, try nice Hungarian drinks, pick your favourites and take them home with you, so that your loved ones can also learn about Hungary, the place where hospitality and a large selection of quality food is waiting for everyone. //
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