SANA : an International Exhibition for organic and natural products
SANA is the International Exhibition for organic and natural products set to take place from September 9-12. 2021 in Bologna, Italy.
SANA is one of the leading events in Europe dedicated to the sector of organic and natural products, and this year’s in-person event will present new initiatives that highlight the importance of the trade fair for the reinvigorated production chain ready to emerge after a year that had severely tested the global economy.
Thanks to the cooperation of ICE—Italian Trade Agency, SANA can count on international outreach and the participation of key players from main markets.
SANA will feature its third edition of RIVOLUZIONE BIO (THE ORGANIC REVOLUTION), promoted by Bologna Fiere in collaboration with FederBio/Assobio and curated by Nomisma. This annual initiative has become an important opportunity for discussions among institutions, members of the production chain and experts from the sector on issues of primary relevance that will be central in a post-pandemic world. RIVOLUZIONE BIO will also showcase the 2021 SANA Survey report that monitors key statistics from the organic production chain, touching on everything from production to market dimensions.
SANA 2021 will have six themed areas:
- Organic Food: offering a broad overview of the agrifood production chain, examining new market trends, innovations, and research
- Care&Beauty: natural cosmetics, natural and organic personal care products, dietary supplements, and medicinal herbs
- Green Lifestyle: dedicated to consumers in search of products for a healthy, environmentally friendly, and responsible lifestyle
- Sana Tech: a themed exhibition of the organic and natural production chain and productive process
- Sana Tea: an ideal path dedicated to well-being through tea and infusions
- Free From Hub: dedicated to both free-from and rich-in products that are responding to a growing trend among consumers
For more information, visit
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