Tag "Virgin Oil Press Kft."

An everyday nutrient bomb

Smoothies don’t just play an important role in health-conscious eating. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/12-01 Pre-packed smoothies represent a practical choice, providing a quick nutritional...

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Health and superpower in a bottle

One of the fastest growing segments in recent years has been that of functional drinks. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 At Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország they...

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Oil producers have to cook up something

The Hungarian oil market is going through a period of change, partly because of external factors and partly owing to domestic rules. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/2-3...

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Funkcionális italok, az egészség és a jóllét katalizátorai

A COVID egyértelműen trendformáló hatású volt a funkcionális italok piacán is. Az emberek elkezdtek sokkal többet és mélyebben foglalkozni a saját jóllétükkel. Ez a jelenség világszinten is megfigyelhető volt, aminek...

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Oils under price pressure

Sunflower oil’s dominance continues in the cooking oil market. Hungary produces enough sunflower seed, so we don’t need to worry about supply problems. Currently there is a HUF 720/litre price...

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Knowledgeable consumes, new oils

Shoppers know more and more about olive and other types of oils and they are open to trying new products. We learned from the representatives of companies active in the...

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Magazine: Winners of the first Symbol of Sustainability competition

Trade magazin organised the Symbol of Sustainability competition, which sought to present successful projects that can contribute to a more sustainable future. There were 23 entries and the jury of...

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Magazine: There is still a lot of oil to extract in the cooking oil fields!

Traditionally Hungarians were cooking with fat, but by now the average household has reached the level where they are cooking with some kind of oil and putting olive oil on...

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