Tag "mosószer"

Quality, innovation, growth

The story of Salesrep Kft. is a good example of how permanent development, flexible adaptation to market needs and sustainable growth can be combined. Our magazine spoke to owner and...

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Perwoll Color Renew for coloured clothes

Perwoll makes your clothes look and feel new again – after just 10 washes. NEW? No. Washed with Perwoll! Contact: Henkel Magyarország Kft. Viktória Szirmák-Szabó brand manager; T.: +36-30-151-4769; e-mail: viktoria.szabo@henkel.com...

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Úsznak az árral a mosószerek és az öblítők

A mosószerek és az öblítők szegmensében is érzékelhető a gazdaságos megoldások iránti megnövekedett igény, ami elsősorban a nagyobb kiszereléseknek, illetve az  összecsomagolásoknak kedvez. Az illat mellett egyre fontosabbak a fogyasztók...

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Renewed Tomi laundry detergents

Thanks to the effective formula, renewed Tomi laundry detergents deliver extra strong performance against stains already from 20°C, and they make large quantities of dirty clothes clean and fresh by...

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Will there be a way out of the maze of unit prices?

In the past the only way to wash clothes was using some kind of washing powder. Once the category started expanding, shoppers gradually began buying liquid laundry detergents and laundry...

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dm has put into operation refilling stations in 24 stores across the country

After a two-year test period, from October dm. was the first among domestic drugstores to put refilling stations into operation in 24 stores nationwide. Those interested in a sustainable alternative...

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Gels are the most popular, followed by laundry detergent capsules and powders

Csilla Pásztor, Henkel Magyarország Kft.’s brand manager relied on Nielsen data when she informed us that laundry detergent sales dropped 0.4 percent in January-September 2021 – value sales were up...

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Cleaning when the season comes – and in other parts of the year too

Edit Oláh, a Vileda – Freudenberg Háztartási Cikkek Bt.’s marketing manager reckons that since the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 people have been cleaning more often and...

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Efficiency, scent and something extra

In 2020 the value of the laundry detergent market increased by 2.5 percent, which was much less than the +7.2 percent in 2019; volume sales stagnated last year – informed...

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Unilever partners with Arzeda

Consumer goods giant Unilever has announced a strategic partnership with Arzeda for improving the sustainability and performance of its cleaning and laundry detergent products portfolio. In the next 3 years...

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Pandemic brings the eco-trend to a halt

According to Yvette Krubl, Procter&Gamble’s communications PR manager in Central Europe, there has been no major transformation in the laundry detergent and fabric softener market if the changes generated by...

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All detergents tested by ITM were compliant

All 19 detergents that have undergone consumer protection testing by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology’s (ITM) chemical laboratory have met the specifications. According to an ITM announcement published on...

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Surf Hawaiian Dream universal laundry detergents

New Surf Hawaiian Dream universal laundry detergents can be used to wash both coloured and white clothes. The fruity-flowery fragrance takes consumers to exotic places. Hawaiian Dream combines the scents...

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Magazine: Changing attitude in the laundry detergent market

Liquid detergents and capsules are more and more popular in the laundry detergent market; at the same time the powder format is becoming less important. As for retail channels, sales are...

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40 billion HUF for detergents, 20 billion HUF for fabric softener

The retail sales of detergents were below average, while the retail sales of fabric softeners showed an above the average growth in domestic retail trade between August 2016 and July...

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Coffee, tea, bread and detergent: premium products Hungarians would buy for more

40 percent of Hungarian consumers would pay more than the average price for premium quality coffee or tea. 39 percent would do the same when buying bread or other baked...

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The NAV found a manufacturing plant in Budapest making counterfeit detergents

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) found a manufacturing plant in Budapest making counterfeit detergents. According to the communication of the NAV sent to MTI on Thursday, the finance...

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Persil Freshness by Silan gel

Persil Freshness by Silan ColdZyme German Technology combines the power of Persil with Silan’s long lasting freshness. Thanks to the special technology, it helps to preserve Silan’s freshness and magical...

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P&G: behavioral science and product innovation

The world's leading manufacturer of detergents uses analysis in connection with psychological and cognitive behavioral science in innovative product development. The detergent business segment of P&G, which is the manufacturer...

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